
More Than 900+ Science-Based Articles.

Welcome to the blog, home to a wealth of science-based resources for helping professionals. Learn and apply the latest insights in the field to help more people enjoy optimal wellbeing and a state of flourishing.

3 positive psychology exercises

Download 3 Free Positive Psychology Exercises (PDF)

Enhance wellbeing with these free, science-based exercises that draw on the latest insights from positive psychology.

What is health coaching

What Is Health Coaching? 12 Benefits & Principles Explained

Stress levels in modern society are super high, and that is no secret. Many people struggle to cope with life’s demands and inadvertently develop bad [...]

Self-disclosure in counseling

Self-Disclosure in Therapy and Counseling: 7 Examples

Sharing personal information with a client during treatment can be helpful or harmful. Self-disclosure is a choice, and its outcome is moderated by the mental [...]

Bereavement counseling

How to Do Bereavement Counseling: Resources & Interventions

As the funeral car pulled away, all was quiet except for the sound of the tires on the snow. I wanted the world to stay [...]

Mindset Coaching

Mindset Coaching: 21+ Tools for the Mindset Coach (+ Topics)

Our mindsets have been shaped by our upbringing, genetics, and experiences throughout life. Consequently, all of us view the world through uniquely different lenses. These [...]

Resilience counseling

Resilience Counseling: 12 Worksheets to Use in Therapy

Trauma is part of life and will be faced by all of us at some point. While it will lead to prolonged distress for some, [...]


How to Perform Psychoeducation Interventions: 14 Topics

Why? Why? Why? Toddlers’ endless questions, followed by even more questions after every answer, equip them with an understanding of the world around them. We [...]

Body scan meditation

How to Perform Body Scan Meditation: 3 Best Scripts

A body scan meditation is a specific form of mindfulness meditation that requires the practitioner to focus all of their attention on the body. The [...]

How to express feelings

How to Help Clients Express Their Emotions: 6 Worksheets

Our emotions result from our interactions with the environment and each other, guiding us through the many and varied situations we encounter in life and [...]

Protective Factors

What Are Protective Factors in Psychology? 36 Examples

Through adversity, we acquire skills, abilities, and attributes that enable us to not just survive, but ultimately, thrive. French psychiatrist Pierre Janet said: “Every life [...]

Cognitive Psychology

What Is the Cognitive Psychology Approach? 12 Key Theories

As I cross the busy road, a sea of information of varying degrees of importance confronts me. Maintaining focus on the oncoming traffic is paramount, [...]