
More Than 900+ Science-Based Articles.

Welcome to the blog, home to a wealth of science-based resources for helping professionals. Learn and apply the latest insights in the field to help more people enjoy optimal wellbeing and a state of flourishing.

3 positive psychology exercises

Download 3 Free Positive Psychology Exercises (PDF)

Enhance wellbeing with these free, science-based exercises that draw on the latest insights from positive psychology.

Developmental Psychology

Building a Developmental Psychology Career: 15 Best Courses

At some point, most parents, grandparents, teachers, and carers wonder what the small child in front of them will be like as they grow older [...]

Anger Management Therapy

11 Anger Management Therapy Techniques and Interventions

“I saw red.” “He blew a fuse.” “It made my blood boil.” “She flew off the handle.” “They drove me up the wall.” These are [...]

Defense Mechanism Worksheets

Defense Mechanisms Worksheets: 10 Tools for Practitioners

Perhaps unsurprisingly, we are all likely to experience trauma more than once in our lives. Less widely known is our reliance on psychological defenses to [...]

Sleep hygiene tips

20 Sleep Hygiene Tips and Worksheets for Kids & Teenagers

Every parent should know the importance of their own and their child’s sleep. When well-timed and of sufficient duration, it sets the scene for more [...]

Anger Management Tests

15 Best Anger Issues Tests & Assessments to Measure Anger

Fundamental to human life are our emotions (Kvajo, 2016). Anger is a basic emotion evolved from the need for survival, fending off predators and fleeing [...]

Social Work Books

12 Social Work Books Every Practitioner Should Read

Social workers are tasked with helping survivors of childhood abuse, domestic violence, violent crime, disaster, war, and terrorism (Bride, 2007). While this mission list appears [...]

Relationship Counseling Courses

17 Best Courses for Relationship & Couples Counseling

Over the course of our lives, we will have countless relationships, some deep and lasting and others fleeting. Maintaining a healthy and satisfying relationship is [...]

Measure assertiveness

How to Measure Assertiveness: 30+ Questions & Scales

When confronted by demands at odds with our best interests, we must ask: Why are we not standing up for ourselves? Are we saying yes [...]

Internal External Locus of Control

Internal vs External Locus of Control: 7 Examples & Theories

How much control do we really have over our lives? Many psychological theories have attempted to answer this question. One such explanation is the locus [...]

Social work vs Psychology

Social Work vs Counseling & Occupational Therapy

A formalized response to the social needs of individuals, communities, and society has existed throughout the centuries. Before the advent of social work as a [...]