
Types of Therapy

Articles on therapies and modalities that can be used in both clinical or positive psychology centered coaching or therapy sessions.

Interpersonal Therapy

21 Best Interpersonal Therapy Techniques & Worksheets [PDF]

Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) began in the late 1960s with a research experiment to understand pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy’s efficacy in treating depression (Markowitz & Weissman, 2012). [...]

Engaging with clients

How to Engage and Motivate Clients in Therapy

Have you ever given thought to how to achieve outcomes in therapy? Longstanding research in community and hospital settings (Paul, 1967; Kiresuk & Sherman, 1968) [...]

Naikan Therapy

Naikan Therapy: Applying the Japanese Art of Self-Reflection

In their early teens, my eldest daughter and her friends would leave Post-it notes for people to find in the town nearby. On each was [...]


Does Hypnotherapy Really Work? 10+ Scientific Findings

Hypnosis is a deep state of relaxation, focus, and increased suggestibility. Yet, it is not exceptional. We regularly find ourselves lost in thought, adrift in [...]

Virtual reality therapy

What Is Virtual Reality Therapy? The Future of Psychology

Imagine treating soldiers with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in a combat situation rather than an office. In 2012, the U.S. Naval Medical Center in San [...]

Gestalt Therapy Explained: History, Definition and Examples

Have you ever heard the terms “closure” or “unfinished business”? These terms have become part of the cultural lexicon, yet few know that their roots [...]

What is mindful self-compassion

Your Ultimate EMDR Guide (Incl. Techniques & Exercises)

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is a short-term type of exposure therapy used primarily in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and phobias. [...]

Exposure therapy

Exposure Therapy: Help Clients Heal by Confronting Fear

You have an important meeting with your boss today to discuss your job performance. You tend to get good feedback, but meetings with the boss [...]

therapeutic questions for youth

Therapy Questions Every Therapist Should Be Asking

Healing conversations are an art form in peril of being lost to our busy lives. The ultimate goal of talk therapy is to enable the [...]

Classic therapy questions

Classic Therapy Questions Therapists Tend to Ask

Talk therapy is all about healing conversations with a goal in mind. We partner with our clients and focus not only on the content of [...]

3 Positive CBT Exercises (PDF)